

Retrieval and analysis of heterogeneous online content for terrorist activity recognition
police car with flashing lights

TENSOR provides a powerful intelligence web-based system to assist law enforcement agencies in identifying, gathering and interpreting online-based terrorist-generated content by delivering fast and reliable analytical support for the early detection of terrorist activities and content. The TENSOR system collects web and social media content enriched through multimedia filtering, extraction and classification and presented in a harmonised visual analytics interface. Working closely with law enforcement officers from Northern Ireland, Catalunya and Belgium, TENSOR aimed to bring LEAs new operational capabilities in identifying terrorist-generated content online. 

CENTRIC was the Technical Coordinator of TENSOR, and our role included developing techniques for acquiring online content, secure storage and auditing of data and the system user interface. Furthermore, CENTRIC contributed explicitly to developing the taxonomy and ontology, analysis of mis- and dis-information concerning terrorist content and the legal, ethical and security requirements. The consortium presented the results of TENSOR at the House of Lords to UK counter-terrorism experts leading to a white paper on countering online terrorist-generated content. 

Funding Statement

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TENSOR received funding European Commission's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Number 700024.

Further Information
