

Autonomous swarm of heterogeneous robots for border surveillance
drone at sunset

ROBORDER aimed to develop a fully functional and autonomous border surveillance system to support border authorities monitoring large border crossing areas. The project utilised underwater, ground and aerial autonomous vehicles to include land and sea crossings. Fixed and UxV-mounted sensors provide multi-modal information to border authorities to support the detection of hazardous events, criminal and unusual activities in a border region. In addition, an improved situational awareness picture supports better decision-making and faster response in operational activities.  

CENTRIC was responsible for two technical components within the project: a method for activity detection from video streams to identify activity such as groups, speed and direction of vehicles and people—secondly, the visual analytics dashboard for command and control to receive alerts and view mission data.

Funding Statement

European Commission Flag

ROBORDER received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Number 740593.

Further Information