

Preventing, countering, and investigating terrorist attacks through prognostic, detection, and forensic mechanisms for explosive precursors
lots of haphazardly placed bottles of chemicals

ODYSSEUS aims to increase the knowledge on explosive precursors and homemade explosives (HMEs), including previously unstudied precursors, and develop effective and efficient prognostic, detection and forensic tools to improve the capabilities of LEAs towards the prevention, countering and investigation of terrorist incidents involving HMEs. Based on identified precursors, the project will develop mechanisms for supply chain monitoring of relevant chemicals; sensors for detecting explosive precursors through air emissions and sewage networks; robotic tools for improved mobile detection and in-situ forensic support; to deliver automated threat detection, localisation, and assessment.

Funding Statement

European Commission Flag

ODYSSEUS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement Number 101021857

Further Information