

Holistic framework for the maturity evaluation of readiness level for security technologies
concept of innovation and checklist

There are many approaches to measuring the maturity level of a particular product, system or process. Despite the extensive integration of frameworks, methodologies and indicators, security research and innovation projects financed by EU instruments use them sparingly and primarily focus on Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). MultiRATE aims to develop a holistic scaling framework that builds on current readiness level (RL) approaches and integrates them into one framework. 

MultiRATE considers several RL scales: technology, societal, security, manufacturing, integration, commercialisation, and legal, privacy and ethics. The project will assess and apply the RL to all aspects of products, systems and processes and use existing evaluation methodologies. In addition, MultiRATE will test the holistic RL approach against existing results from EU projects in the crime and terrorism, border security, disaster resilience and critical infrastructure domains. In MultiRATE, CENTRIC is responsible for developing the Societal Readiness Level.

Funding Statement

European Commission Flag

Co-funded by the European Union

CENTRIC’s work is funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant number 10040456]

Further Information