

ICT enabled public services for migration
three women working at laptops

MIICT aimed to promote social integration and access to services by migrants to Europe. Access to public services through various ICTs is essential in today's digital-first society. Using the design thinking paradigm of Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation, MIICT used a human-centred design and co-creation approach to (1) support the management of migrant integration; (2) customise services to match migrants' needs, and (3) develop the IMMERSE platform to improve access to the labour market, matching migrants to jobs and development opportunities. CENTRIC coordinated MIICT, leading a consortium of 15 partners from across Europe.

MIICT had three main pilot sites in Cyprus, Spain and Italy, which engaged directly with local migrants, service providers and volunteers to design and test the project's results. CENTRIC led the creation of a Public Service Transformation Handbook, eliciting the user requirements, prototyping and evaluation methodology. In addition, MIICT contributed to the Joint Migration Policy whitepaper for the European Commission and hosted several policy round tables on migrant integration. 

Funding Statement

European Commission Flag

MIICT received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Number 822380.

Further Information


  • Huber, F., Abdel-Samad, Y., Spathi, T., Hough, K. L., Caforio, A., Munteanu, C., Karimi, M., Eckhardt-Rodriguez. A., Kantor, E., Fiadzo, C., Wanner, L., Moudatsou, M. & Dimopoulou, E. (). Shaping ICT Policies for Integrative and Inclusive Digital Services. In: Information and Communications Technology in Support of Migration. (pp. 367-380). Springer, Cham.
  • Budy, F. C., Hough, K. L., & Abdel-Samad, Y. (). ICT Enabled Public Services for Migration (MIICT): how co-creative practices advanced migrants’ integration in the EU. In: Co-creation in Migration Studies: The Use of Co-creative Methods to Study Migrant Integration Across European Societies. 169.
  • Ntioudis, D., Kamateri, E., Meditskos, G., Karakostas, A., Huber, F., Bratska, R., Akhgar, B., Vrochidis, S. & Kompatsiaris, I. (). Immerse: a personalized system addressing the challenges of migrant integration. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW). (pp. 1-6). IEEE.