FORESIGHT was a €6m project that developed a federated cyber-range solution to enhance the preparedness of cybersecurity professionals at all levels and advance their skills towards preventing, detecting, reacting and mitigating sophisticated cyber-attacks. The project delivered an ecosystem of networked and realistic training and simulation platforms that collaboratively bring unique cyber-security aspects from the aviation, smart grid and naval domains.
In FORESIGHT, CENTRIC led the analysis of the current cybersecurity standardisation landscape and developed a roadmap for future standards in the aviation, power and naval sectors. CENTRIC also contributed to analysing existing certification routes and created several modules as part of the FORESIGHT curricula and cybersecurity training. These modules included content on preparing for network attacks, incident response, threat evaluation, analysis and modelling, offensive and defensive mechanisms and application hardening techniques.
Funding Statement

FORESIGHT received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Number 833673