The programming of Security R&I is a highly sensitive exercise which has grown in complexity. Moreover, the uptake of innovation stemming from EU-funded security R&I projects remains a challenge. The goal of ENACT is to set up a Knowledge Network for Security R&I in the Fighting Crime and Terrorism area capable of supporting the EU-funded FCT security R&I cycle and the overall community and market actors with actionable evidence, and boosting the innovation uptake of the outcomes and results stemming from FCT Security funded R&I projects.
ENACT will deliver a network-enabling service that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and value; catalogue, aggregate and exploit the existing knowledge; communicate project activities and disseminate and exploit project findings in each of the four domains capabilities, technology, market and SSH; foster cooperation between FCT market actors to improve the market visibility and the uptake of innovation; and ensure the sustainability of a “knowledge as a service” model and the enabled networking environment beyond the project duration.
Funding Statement

Co-funded by the European Union
CENTRIC’s work is funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee extension [grant number 10078203]