

ransomware demand on screen

CyberCENTRIC was a follow on project from Yorkshire Cyber, which focused on developing cyber resilience for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Yorkshire and Humberside region. One outcome from Yorkshire Cyber was a prototype serious game for enhancing cybersecurity practices in SMEs. 

For CyberCENTRIC, CENTRIC collaborated closely with the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Cyber Crime Unit to deliver a fully-fledged game that can be promoted by policing organisations as part of their cyber protect programmes. The work on cyberCENTRIC led to the implementation of updated gameplay and scenarios. 

In the game, the player owns Leviathan Interactive, a small business and progresses through cyber-related challenges. Building on the gameplay from AESOP, you gain or lose money depending on your decisions. At the end of each scenario, the player is scored according to the business's financial situation, reputation and cyber resilience. The aim is to ensure the company remains solvent whilst maintaining its reputational standing and cyber resilience. The scenarios include viruses, data breaches, insider threats, defamation, lost hardware and CEO fraud. 

CyberCENTRIC won two national cyber awards in 2019 for Learning Innovation in Cyber Awareness and Most Original Cyber Security Product. The game has also been translated into Croatian for use at the Croatian Police Training Academy.

Funding Statement

Yorkshire Cyber received Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF), which supports and develops knowledge-based interactions between universities / colleges and the wider world.

Further Information

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  • Akhgar, B., Saunders, J., Hancock, P., Lyle, A., & Newsham, D. S. (). CyberCentric: Increasing SME and Citizen Resilience Against Cyberattacks. In: Serious Games for Enhancing Law Enforcement Agencies. (pp. 195-208). Springer, Cham.