Cyber Spotlight VR

Yorkshire and Humber Regional and Organised Crime Unit (YHROCU) provides free awareness and education training as part of its PROTECT initiative which aims to keep the public safe from online harm. YHROCU recognises the importance of educating parents on online risks and strategies to protect their children in the digital age. To achieve this, YHROCU collaborated with CENTRIC to create an innovative and engaging platform which would appeal to this audience, whilst being effective in educating on the topic.
As a result, CENTRIC, in collaboration with YHROCU, created Cyber Spotlight – a unique, immersive virtual reality training platform. The platform aims to educate parents about legal aspects of the Computer Misuse Act as well as potential indicators that may suggest that a child is at risk. Users find themselves in a virtual bedroom, here they can interact with various objects and technologies to obtain information and knowledge about the risks or indicators associated with these items.