Martin Snowden QPM

Principal Researcher

Martin is a former Detective Chief Superintendent with 30 years’ policing experience and 15 years working in senior leadership roles within West Yorkshire Police and Counter Terrorism Policing. He was Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North East between 2017-2022, responsible for delivering all elements of the Government’s Contest strategy and CT policing across the North East region of England, collaborating with 7 regional forces and multiple national and regional partners. He also led on national capabilities and work programmes as part of the national CTP network. He is a graduate of the International (Five Eyes) ‘Leadership in Counter Terrorism’ programme. 

Martin also has a wealth of experience in core policing functions including serious and volume crime investigation, anti-corruption and operations, including the policing of major events, sporting events, demonstrations and public order scenarios. He was awarded the Queen’s Policing Medal (QPM) for distinguished service in the Birthday Honours 2021. Martin is keen to bring that experience into a number of elements of academic research and support engagement into counter terrorism, government and policing bodies.