Dr. Rupali Jeswal

Intelligence and Terrorism Analyst & Operational Psychologist

Dr. Rupali Jeswal is Intelligence and Terrorism Analyst & Operational Psychologist and also is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. She has received trainings in counter terrorism & specialized areas, including: counter intelligence and tactical operations. She is multilingual and specializes in cognitive learning processes and neural pathway responses and how these factors apply to specific trainings for high human performance including maximising on skills & response during lethal encounters.

She is the CEO of Xiphos-ISS, which is a multidisciplinary consulting and training establishment, comprising of a joint task force of professionals with backgrounds in CT, Military, Special Operations, Police and Corrections. Her partners are Double Diamond Tactical in the U.S.A and Advanced Security Institute in Cyprus.

Based in South-East Asia, she is the Chief of Training Operations of her partner company DX in India. This company facilitates trainings to the uniformed professionals in mission-critical domains.

She is the Director of Counter Extremism Research & Trainings with International Association of Counter Terrorism & Security Professional- Center for Strategic Studies (IACSPSEA) based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with HQ (IACSP) in U.S.A.