Sean O’Brien
Sean Patrick O’Brien is the global lead for SAP’s Public Safety & Security business, with responsibility for strategy, solutions portfolio & SAP’s client base worldwide. Sean has 30 years’ experience in the Public Safety & Security market, having worked in leadership roles within UK Policing, Systems Integrators and latterly with SAP. A strong advocate for digitisation of the public safety & security to space to address the new realities and uncertainties posed, Sean plays a key role in many regional and global groups and organisation’s who are looking at technology in the context of policing and public security. Being uniquely positioned to understand, advise and guide how technology, organisation’s and private sector can be combined to drive real digital value, Sean spends a great deal of time working with customers and key partners in helping maximise the organisational value that can be realised through innovation. Based in France, his role involves extensive travel with helps deliver a true international perspective on safety & security.